Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

BerlinGermany's Speigel Online reports that Berlin may soon become the place to be for tech entrepreneurs. Berlin is home to an ever increasing number of innovative new technology start-up companies -- to the point that even Silicon Valley venture capitalists are taking notice. With a new focus on the country, many companies are beginning to innovate rather than simply clone successful American ideas.

The article notes that under-employed hipsters, exiled artists and wannabe punks -- Berlin's image has never been that of a capital of entrepreneurial innovation.

That, though, may soon change. While tourists still flock to the city to dance in Berlin's renowned nightclubs, computer programmers are also coming to the city in droves -- to work in the rapidly increasing number of high-tech startups that are now calling the German capital home.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Berlin: Europe's hottest new tech hub for startups | The Next Silicon Valley
