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Data Exchange DashboardSunshiny days have come to government, as transparency Web sites, iPhone apps, online dashboards and data feeds have proliferated across the Internet. The movement is changing the playing field for how citizens obtain government information. Since President Barack Obama made transparency and open data early priorities of his administration, public agencies have put thousands (if not millions) of data sources online, creating a rich pool of material that once was hidden in dusty file cabinets and available only through freedom-of-information requests.

Although most agree that openness is a welcome aim, this newfound abundance of data has spawned new questions and challenges: Can government agencies link together these far-flung data sources coherently so that citizens can find what they're looking for? And can open data be packaged and presented in a manner that decision-makers and the public can use to affect policymaking?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Is a National Dashboard for Open Data on the Horizon?

Author: Matt Williams