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Founded by Rich Bendis

Crowdfunding is the latest initiative to raise capital for start-ups. It's a collective that invests small amounts to support fledgling ideas, and its popularity has created a new asset class with shared, minimal risk.

However, it will be some time though before crowdfunding, which usually takes place through the Internet, evolves into a reliable, sure-shot method of fund-raising in India.

Grow VC India, the first formal platform that promotes this, was launched in July in partnership with Springboard Ventures Pvt. Ltd. While the platform has 1,200 registered investors and 122 companies, it is yet to nurture a deal. However, more than half-a-dozen companies have received funding offers, and are said to be in advanced stages of negotiation. Similar platforms elsewhere in the world like Startnext in Germany and KickStarter in the U.S. are active.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Crowdfunding Off to a Slow Start -