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Founded by Rich Bendis

Effective Blog Posts Ahead

So you’ve decided to spread your entrepreneurial wings. Good choice. Hard choice. Get ready for an adrenaline rush – and the need for a ton of inspiration.

Sometimes that inspiration will come from obvious sources: you, your team or your sphere of influence. Other times it may come from less obvious places like customers, your children or a schlocky sports movie.

Occasionally, however… on those days where your conversion to a morning person just isn’t working out, or when Angry Birds just isn’t getting the creative juices flowing… where do you go to deliberately find inspiration? No, not the “life affirmations” nonsense like “Today is a new day!” and “Never give up!” – or the centuries old-quote from some guy in a powdered wig who never blogged a day in his life.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 12 Most Inspiring Blogs for New Entrepreneurs | The Savvy Intern by YouTern