Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Innovation Is America's Key to the Future by Tudor Vieru

President Barack Obama reasserted his trust in science as the only means of averting future economic crises in his radio address on Saturday, saying that long-term investments in research were the only things that could ensure a sustainable and strong economy. Results will not be visible right away, and the fact that average citizens, and indeed investors too, want to see immediate results and returns for their money only hinders innovation. Some important research projects get little funding precisely because they could take ten to 20 years to complete, and few people are willing to take that investment risk upon themselves.

“We need to recapture the spirit of innovation that has always moved America forward. That means once again having the best-educated, highest skilled workforce in the world. That means a health care system that makes it possible for entrepreneurs to innovate and businesses to compete without being saddled with skyrocketing insurance costs,” Obama said on his radio address.