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As I've been digging deeper into the data I've gathered on 210 million public Facebook profiles, I've been fascinated by some of the patterns that have emerged. My latest visualization shows the information by location, with connections drawn between places that share friends. For example, a lot of people in LA have friends in San Francisco, so there's a line between them.

ColumbusLooking at the network of US cities, it's been remarkable to see how groups of them form clusters, with strong connections locally but few contacts outside the cluster. For example Columbus, OH and Charleston WV are nearby as the crow flies, but share few connections, with Columbus clearly part of the North, and Charleston tied to the South.

CharlestonSome of these clusters are intuitive, like the old south, but there's some surprises too. For instance, Missouri, Louisiana and Arkansas have closer ties to Texas than Georgia.

To make sense of the patterns I'm seeing, I've marked and labeled the clusters, and added some notes about the properties they have in common.

Click on the map to learn more:

How To Split Up The US

Pete Warden is the founder of Mailana Inc, a startup building tools to help people connect. This post was first published on his personal blog, and is republished here with permission.