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Over 30 years ago, the personnel profession began to speak of an emerging age -- an era when it would add real business value and "have a seat at the table."

Over the past decades in virtually every professional conference and journal, presenters regale audiences with tales of the future. So how is the "transformed" profession doing?

In 2006, The Economist's "CEO Briefing," a survey of 555 senior executives across the world, rated HR as the poorest performing of eleven corporate functions. The same executives rated HR as tied for the least important function and second to last (only logistics was worse) as the business function most important for achieving corporate strategic objectives over the next three years.

At the same time, the respondents rated talent, global teaming and the like as the most important business issues for that same three years. The most important thing to get right is managed by the least important and poorest performing corporate function.

To read the full, original article click on this link: HR's Five Deadly Sins: The Innovators | Opinion | Financial Articles & Investing News |

Author: Brad Hall