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Listening to Customer Feedback for InnovationCustomers have always been core to companies' existence. An obvious statement for sure. Customers are the source of cash flow, and have historically been thought of in marketing and transactional contexts.

But in recent years, we've seen the rise of a new way to consider customers. As vital influencers of company activities and strategies. Two popular ways this is taking form are the social CRM movement, and the emergence of open innovation.

If you follow discussions in these developing strategies, you see that there are differing views as to the value of customer feedback. Understanding the different use cases of customer feedback helps organizations to set objectives and expectations appropriately, and to create effective frameworks for engaging customers.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Blogging Innovation: Three Models For Applying Customer Feedback to Innovation - Innovation blog articles, videos, and insights

Author: Hutch Carpenter