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During a recent television interview, I was asked by a reporter, “Which industry is more sexist, Wall Street or Silicon Valley?”

That question is of great interest and relevance to me. I’ve spent over a decade as a female partner of one of the largest venture capital firms. I was an entrepreneur at a start-up here in Silicon Valley before that. I'm a working mom with a seven-month-old son and a seven-year-old daughter. A first-generation Chinese-American, I “immigrated” to the Valley as a young engineer and business school student.

But before all this, I have been the only non-white, non-native person in my small-town high school and the only woman in the engineering lab, the GM auto plant and the executive boardroom. And, like many women, I've had my abilities questioned, my looks appraised, my senses assaulted (a business lunch at a topless bar…but don’t get me started) and my biological clock monitored.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Rx for Silicon Valley success: VC advice - Postcards

Author: Theresia Gouw Ranzetta, managing partner, Accel Partners