Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

From the tropical rainforest to the backyard garden there are key elements keeping that ecosystem in balance and nurturing the larger global bionetwork. For economies, that key element is the small business. Nurturing the environment where small businesses can take root and grow is an ongoing challenge.

Around the country, simultaneous light bulbs are turning on across a network of local, state and federal agencies that regulate small business. With over 26 million ‘small businesses’ in America, and fewer than 17,000 ‘other-than-small businesses,’ the S.O.S. messages being sent by small companies over the past few years have finally been heard. These critical lifelines to the corporate world have had weak vital signs since the start of the recession in late-2007 and current assistance program offerings simply haven’t been enough to revive these companies. Small business is the backbone of our economy and people are starting to take notice.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Small Business: The Key to the Economic Ecosystem | Spacecoast Business Magazine

Author: Kimberly Eye