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Shlomo MaitalInnovation Blog

See, Think, Wonder: What Innovators Can Learn from Kindergarten

By Shlomo Maital

My grand-daughter Agam is six years old, and is finishing kindergarten; she will begin Grade One in the Fall.

Agam’s kindergarten is first-rate. One of the things she learned there (in addition to reading!) is an exercise known as See Think Wonder. A variation of it is Feel Think Wonder.

Here is how it works:

1. See.  REALLY LOOK at something.  Mostly, we look at things, but we do not see them.  REALLY see them.  In every detail.  Practice SEEING!  See things we miss normally, out of haste.  Have you really seen your eyebrows lately?  What did you miss?

2.  Think.  Think about what you see. Reflect on it. Ponder, analyze, compare, contrast, examine.

3.  And most important:  WONDER!   That is, imagine and dream. What if it were different?  What if it were impossibly amazing?   What if I looked at myself in the mirror, and became 6 feet 6 inches tall?  WONDER — leading to action!

To read the full, original article click on this link: See, Think, Wonder: What Innovators Can Learn from Kindergarten « TIMnovate

Author: Shlomo Maital