Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Our firm recently participated in the Regional Innovation & Jobs Summit hosted by the Washington Economic Development Commission. Kudos to Egils Milberg and Noreen Hobin for a very full day of content and conversation. The full day was webcast, including the intro to our session.  Also thanks to our colleague from the WA-based Ingenesist Project, Dan Robles, who took great photos of our session.

Our session came at the end of the day. After a day of talking, our role was to get people engaged and active in improving specific ecosystems for the state.  Here are our intro slides on SlideShare:

adams at wedcIn Intangible Capital, we make the case that innovation is more than a process, it is also an ecosystem. And that ecosystem is its intangible capital. When you apply these ideas to a geographic region or cluster, the innovation ecosystem is made up of the same group of intangible (knowledge-based) resources that we use at the organizational level. These include:

  • Human capital: specific areas of expertise shared by groups in the region
  • Structural capital: shared communication, information, process and program resources that facilitate collaboration and innovation within the region
  • Relationship capital: links with resources/knowledge outside the region

To read the full, original article click on this link: Five Steps to Building a Regional Innovation Ecosystem | smarter companies

Author: Mary Adams