Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

WPI Venture Forum and Harvard Post Docs Network 2009In most of the world, entrepreneurs form the basis of the economy.  From mom and pop bodegas and pizza shops to technology system integrators, the next smart car, and small law firms, it is typical for startup and small business to form over 90% of a country’s economy. And, surprisingly, in innovation economies, such as the U.S., while 25-34 year olds have the highest prevalence, the majority of entrepreneurial activity comes from those over 35 years old.

If you are en entrepreneur, or thinking of becoming one, this column will provide tips to help you avoid pitfalls and point you to resources based on my 15+ years of starting companies, mentoring companies and learning from others.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurship: Our Economic Salvation | Entrepreneurs
