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Graphic designers have to eat, too, so they often spend their time marching to the orders of corporate clients. Last year, seeing the need for a noncommercial creative outlet, Nick Hallam, a Melbourne-based designer, founded Positive Posters, an annual poster competition aimed at supporting graphic design that simply inspires and encourages people.

This year, the theme for the Positive Posters competition is "A Glass Half Full." The submissions will be narrowed down to 30 finalists before an international panel of judges selects the winner. The winner will get a pack of prizes and the winning poster will be printed, put up all over Melbourne, and shipped abroad as well.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Positive Posters: A Design Competition Without Commercial Constraints - GOOD Blog - GOOD" target="_blank" href="">Positive Posters: A Design Competition Without Commercial Constraints - GOOD Blog - GOOD

Author: Andrew Price