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For those managers worried they are staffing their teams with a bunch of jerks, we have this handy quiz! Answer truthfully and learn if you are a leader of obnoxious superstars.

EGOS Survey (Evaluation Gauge for Obnoxious Superstars)

Answer true or false to each statement below. The people who get ahead at my workplace:

  1. say "we" but think "me."
  2. see their peers as competitors, even "the enemy."
  3. remove subordinates' names from good work before passing it up the chain.
  4. belittle others' triumphs and successes.
  5. hoard their ideas because, after all, there is no reward for sharing them with colleagues.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Quiz: Are You Hiring and Breeding Greedy and Selfish Employees? | Fast Company

Author: Robert I. Sutton, PhD