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Ever had the urge to take a nice crunchy bite of Drosophila or lick icing off a brain? You will after a visit to Not So Humble Pie, a blog run by scientist-turned-baker, Ms. Humble. A blogger who refers to herself as "a typical nerdy biological anthropologist turned stay at home mom," Ms. Humble -- who chooses to remain anonymous -- began the blog in October 2009. Since then, the popular blog has regularly featured science-themed baked goods, from zebrafish cookies to cilium cake.

One of Ms. Humble's first science-y treats was a set of quirky gingerbread scientists, "cookies that poke a little fun at my husband's [microbiology] job," she wrote on her blog. In January this year, Ms. Humble began a "Science Cookie Roundup," a collection of images and stories of her baked goods as well as submissions from readers. Here we present a few of the best from Ms. Humble's round-ups, including petri dish cookies and karyotype cupcakes, complete with commentary from the bakers themselves. Milk, anyone?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Sweet science - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences

Author: Megan Scudellari