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We are visual creatures. We love to take pictures; we love to look at pictures. We like pictures when they are still and when they are moving. A picture isn’t just worth 1,000 words; it also speaks to us when there are no words possible.

Your blog posts, your marketing materials and your website all need images.  As a small business owner, you probably think that photos come with an expensive price tag, but they don’t have to.  In this post, we highlight 50 image sites and services where you can get photographs and types of images for free or a low cost.

Kave Wall is a graphic design firm that also has a stock photo library. Many of the images appear to be free for the small sizes, but they also offer a full resolution catalog of 1,700-plus photos for $199.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 50 Stock Photo Sites for Every Small Business Need

Author: TJ McCue