Remember that Target commercial last year that poked fun at homemade Halloween costumes? Some people, including me, were not too fond of the message it sent. This year at New York Comic Con, the GeekDads and GeekMoms hosted a discussion panel and my topic was “five reasons you should build your kid’s costume.”
Here are the reasons I presented to a packed room of Comic-Con-style parents.
Reason 5: Making something with your kids sends a positive message.
When you make something practical with your kids, you are helping them become self-sufficient. Consumerism is the norm for kids these days, but I want my children to realize they are not reliant on commercial products for everything; that’s why it is important to let the kids participate in some aspect of the build process. This activity will help foster creativity and teach problem-solving. It’s also a chance to teach the lessons of reuse, recycle and remake.