Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The Long Island Bioscience Hub is making the grade, according to a report card prepared by independent evaluators.

Since launching in 2015, the LIBH – a National Institutes of Health effort uniting Stony Brook University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Northwell Health’s Feinstein Institute for Medical Research – has trained hundreds of innovators, helped fund dozens of technology-development projects and assisted the formation of numerous startup companies and licensing agreements.


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Nicole Lapin

Until very recently, if you had asked me to make a list of all the things I valued, it wouldn’t have even occurred to me to put myself on it. The list would have everything I always wanted: a super job, a super man and an overall super life. But I wasn’t devoting any time or effort into becoming a super woman first. 


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University of California Berkeley

The University of California Berkeley, recently announced that the appointment for their first ever Chief innovation and entrepreneurship officer (CIEO) would go to former dean of the Haas School of Business and longtime UC Berkeley alumnus and facility member Richard Lyons.

According to leadership at the University, the position is meant to enhance innovation interdepartmentally, while also integrating an enterprising mindset and vision campuswide. UC Berkeley's decision to create a CIEO position follows an ongoing trend as universities are forced to confront a rapidly transforming educational landscape.


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On a recent Tuesday, Neal Fachan walked down a dock in Seattle’s Lake Union and boarded a blue and yellow Harbour Air seaplane, alongside six other tech executives. He was bound for Vancouver to check on the Canadian office of Qumulo, the Seattle-based cloud storage company he co-founded in 2012. With no security lines, it was an easy 50-minute flight past snow-capped peaks. Later that day, Fachan caught a return flight back to Seattle.


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rocket launch

PROVIDENCE, R.I., July 23, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Venture Café New England, a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on growing inclusive entrepreneurship in New England, announced today that it will host its first weekly event in Providence, RI on August 1, 2019, with tech veteran Rich Miner, one of the fathers of the Android, as its keynote. The inaugural event in the state of Rhode Island will take place from 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM at the new District Hall Providence venue operated by the Foundation. District Hall Providence is one of several tenants of the recently opened Wexford Innovation Center located at 225 Dyer Street and hailed the new "beehive of innovation" in Providence's Innovation District.


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Scientists are getting closer to understanding how to turn the body’s energy-storing white fat cells into energy-burning beige fat cells, opening up hopes that fat deposits could one day be deliberately manipulated to prevent obesity and related health conditions.

Professor Mirko Trajkovski from the Laboratory of Metabolic Health at Geneva University, Switzerland, believes researchers are well on their way to cracking this game-changing conversion process. ‘By manipulating the body’s fat stores, we can make big progress in the fight against obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 (lifestyle-related) diabetes,’ he said.


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Venture capital (VC) is one of the most common terms used for any kind of high-risk, equity financing offered to emerging ventures. The term has been applied to angel capital, crowd capital, alliance capital, small-fund VC, and top-tier VC. While the different types of equity can all be termed as “venture capital,” and many angels do call themselves VCs, it would be useful to really understand the different types of venture capital, why and when entrepreneurs need “real” venture capital, and when they can succeed with the other types of VC.


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U.S. firms have shifted their focus from investment in tangible, real assets to prioritizing financial returns to investors. Let’s reverse that trend. Fifty years ago last week, the world watched as America’s giant leap for mankind reached its zenith in the form of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking their first steps on the moon. The Apollo lunar landing represents a high point for all of us, undoubtedly the greatest technical achievement in human history. It was also a moment that exhibited America’s ability to achieve the seemingly impossible when our commitment to national development is strong.


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What is impeding innovation in your organization today? I’ve highlighted the Top Seven Impediments to Innovation in this list and included them in this short video with explanations and solutions:

  • No Clear Vision or Purpose
  • No Time to Try New Things 
  • The Organization is Risk Averse 
  • Long Approval Process 
  • Departments Work in Silos 
  • Innovation is Not in My Objectives 
  • There is No Budget


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Alf Rehn

When Finnish Prof Alf Rehn was asked to deliver a presentation on innovation to the executive team of a major US tech corporation, he decided to undertake an little experiment. He composed and delivered 20 minutes of nonsense, employing every empty slogan he could think up.

Image: Prof Alf Rehn believes organisations should practise what he terms “deep innovation”.  

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The good news is that the latest Kauffman Early-Stage Entrepreneurship (KESE) Index shows the highest level of new business activity recorded in the last two decades, and the cost of entry at an all-time low. The bad news is that it’s still a jungle fight for survival for entrepreneurs of all ages and demographics, with over 80 percent not having access to bank loans or venture capital.


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WASHINGTON, July 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children's National Health System announces its 7th Annual Pediatric Device Innovation Symposium is slated for Sunday, Sept. 22 in Boston, Mass., featuring a $150K medical device competition focused on innovations for neonatal and NICU care. Following the theme "Pediatric Device Clinical Trials: Forging a Better Path," this year's symposium explores the pediatric device clinical trial process, including progress insights, current challenges and potential solutions.


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A deluge of hotly anticipated unicorn IPOs took place in the second quarter of 2019—driving a record for exit value of more than $138 billion.

The latest PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor, sponsored by Silicon Valley Bank, Perkins Coie and Shareworks, takes a deep dive into other trends in the US venture capital industry from 2Q 2019. It includes a spotlight on the growing healthtech sector, investment trends for female-founded companies and how fundraising might bounce back as exit gains flow back to LPs.


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Starting a business is hard. But you probably already knew that. One of the things that is hardest, by far, is figuring out things now so that you won't regret it later. It's hard to know what you don't know, which means it's hard to make decisions when you don't know what you're supposed to be deciding. You're just trying to figure out what to do next, not what to do about the next decade.


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Steven Tepp

Medical breakthroughs can literally change the course of human history. Antibiotics, the polio vaccine, and insulin have saved untold thousands, perhaps millions of lives. And we all hope for the day when there are cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. In our dreams for major breakthroughs, we ought not forget the incredible gains from improvements that might seem small, but save and improve lives. Unfortunately, some proposals floating around in Washington right now would do just that at the expense of the future.


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Big ideas, strong-willed characters, impossible deadlines and close quarters — if you wrote out a recipe for conflict, it might bear an uncanny resemblance to the high-stakes, pressure-cooker environment of a startup.

Of course, any situation where people come together to solve tough problems will inevitably give rise to disagreement. The key to sustainable innovation is making sure that disagreement is productive rather than inhibitive, paving a path forward instead of placing self-imposed roadblocks on progress. And in the emotionally-intense setting of a startup, it’s all the more important to take care that the embers of conflict don’t grow into an unmanageable conflagration.


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Jason Fell

By nature, entrepreneurs are intelligent, passionate, ambitious people. But all of those smarts and drive don’t always mean every business owner makes all the right decisions all of the time. Hopefully the blunders that are made aren’t big enough that the business fails.

We reached out to tech billionaire Mark Cuban to find out the things that entrepreneurs do that absolutely drive him bonkers. As a longtime investor on ABC's hit TV show Shark Tank, Cuban has encountered his fair share of entrepreneurs who’ve made some serious missteps.


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For the first time, the San Francisco Bay Area topped New York as the number one city for female founders launching, growing, and scaling companies, according to the 2019 Women Entrepreneur Cities (WE Cities) Index. The report is a ranking of 50 global cities, produced by Dell Technologies and IHS Markit. The research ranks cities on 71 indicators in five categories: access to capital, technology, talent, culture, and markets. 


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Psychologists call it "thin slicing."

Within moments of meeting you, people decide all sorts of things about you, from status to intelligence to conscientiousness.

Career experts say it takes just three seconds for someone to determine whether they like you and want to do business with you.

Fortunately, you have some control over the way others see you. For example, wearing tailored clothes and looking your conversation partner in the eye will generally create a more positive impression. But as for how aggressive you seem? That's largely determined by your facial structure.


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