NIST TIP white papers
The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Technology Innovation Program (TIP) seeks comments from academia, federal, state and local governments, industry; national labs, and professional organizations or societies on white papers prepared by TIP staff.
TIP was established at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to assist US businesses and higher education institutions or other organizations, such as national labs and nonprofit research institutions, to support, promote, and accelerate innovation in the US through high- risk, high-reward research in areas of critical national need. The program, which holds competitions for funding based on addressing areas of critical national need, identifies and selects topics for areas of critical national need based on input from within NIST, TIP’s Advisory Board, the s&t communities, and the public.
TIP officials are interested in receiving input on the identification and definition of problems that are sufficiently large in magnitude that they have the potential to inhibit the growth and well-being of our nation today. Feedback on the white papers from experts at other federal agencies are valued and welcome, and will enable TIP to complement efforts of other mission agencies and avoid duplication.
TIP seeks information to further develop and refine the areas of critical national need as defined in the 2009 competition on Civil Infrastructure, and the 2009 competition on Manufacturing, as well as information to assist TIP in further defining other topic areas under development.
Comments on the white papers, which are posted on the program’s web site, should be submitted between Nov.9 2009 through Sept.30 2010, and must be submitted to TIP using the comment button found on the first and last page of each white paper.
For more information, contact Thomas Wiggins at (301) 975-5416; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit white papers to TIP are here.
The white paper for the 2009 Civil Infrastructure competition is located here.
The 2009 Manufacturing competition, based on a March 2009 white paper, Accelerating the Incorporation of Materials Advances into Manufacturing Processes, is here.
The draft white paper on the proposed topic of energy is here.
The draft white paper on the proposed topic of healthcare, based on Advanced Technologies for Proteomics, Data Integration and Analysis and Biomanufacturing for Personalized Medicine, is here.
Federal Technology Watch is published weekly and is available by subscription only. Editor: Neil MacDonald Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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