Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

We are glad to welcome you to the website of the International Forum FROM SCIENCE to BUSINESS.

May 11-13, 2011 | Saint Petersburg, Russia

Aim of the Forum – constructive discussion of issues and international experience in formation of the economics, based on knowledge

Task of the Forum - assistance to innovative development of countries on international and national level through:

  • Creation of constantly operating international platform for meetings of "the innovative West" and "the innovative East" with a view of wide discussion and exchange of experience by governmental, scientific-educational and business groups for the development of economies based on knowledge;
  • Elaboration of recommendations on effective and mutually advantageous cooperation of authorities, business and a science with a view on introduction of innovative approaches and innovations in all life spheres - social and economic, scientific-educational, culture and so on;
  • Case-studying of the leading countries experience in the field of innovations, development and diversification of innovative economies, stimulation of processes of innovative transformations in science, education and society;
  • Assistance to formation of net and cluster structures in innovative sphere.

To read the full, original article click on this link: IV International Forum FROM SCIENCE TO BUSINESS
