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Domains of The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

As Chicago’s Groupon spurns $6 billion and spawn’s literally hundreds of competitors, Microsoft scoops up Estonia’s Skype for a reported $8.5 billion, Finland’s Angry Birds pluck $42 million from happy venture capitalists and China’s RenRen rakes in $742 million in its NYSE debut, is there method to this entrepreneurial madness? Are these random events, or can we identify, or even cultivate, the conditions in which value-creating entrepreneurial ventures like these will thrive?

For years I have looked at how to foster entrepreneurship in such super-venture societies as Israel, Ireland, Taiwan and Iceland, and worked with public and private sector leaders in over a dozen large municipalities and nations including in Spain, Chile, South Africa, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Argentina, not to mention StartUp America. I have written in the Harvard Business Review about some of the principles and processes that drive the evolution of entrepreneurship ecosystems, but let’s go back to basics: What exactly is this entrepreneurship ecosystem that is generating so much buzz these days?


To read the full, original article click on this link: Intelligent evolution | The Ideas Economy

Author:Daniel Isenberg