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Although the goal of good bloggers is to write compelling content that seems effortless, the fact is that effective blogging is more difficult than it seems. The challenge of constantly coming up with new content and pounding it out on the keyboard can take a toll on the mind and body, resulting in “Blog Slog”, a condition which can compromise quality and productivity. Fortunately, there is a remedy for many of the symptoms of “Blog Slog” in the form of regular exercise. Here’s a list of 7 proven benefits of regular exercise and how these benefits can help bloggers become more productive in creating strong content. Note that the operate word here is regular.

1. Exercise gives you more energy

Numerous studies have shown that regular physical exercise boosts daily energy levels. The mechanism is simple. When the body is exerted, the natural response is an increase in heart rate and respiration, both of which help the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to bodily tissues more efficiently. The net result is an increase in energy which can give you more hours of productive blogging per day.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 Big Benefits of Exercise for Bloggers