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Super Computer

The 37th edition of the "TOP500 List of the world's top supercomputers" was released today at the 2011 International Supercomputing Conference in Hamburg. At first place, a Japanese supercomputer capable of performing more than 8 quadrillion calculations per second (petaflop/s): the K Computer, developed in partnership with Fujitsu at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) in Kobe.

The ranking of all systems is based on how fast they run Linpack, a benchmark application developed to solve a dense system of linear equations. For the first time, all of the top 10 systems achieved petaflop/s performance - and those are also the only petaflop/s systems on the list. The U.S. is tops in petaflop/s with five systems performing at that level; Japan and China have two each, and France has one.


To read the full, original article click on this link: New rankings of world's fastest supercomputers released: Japan, China, US take top three spots - Boing Boing

Author:Xeni Jardin