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Ocean Currents

Within a thirty mile stretch of where I am writing the rocks jutting up from the sea are green. Every beach and every cove I walk past is lined with green slime, rotting algae draped over the seaweed and sand. A digger works on a nearby beach, hauling the toxic green stuff off so the beaches can be used safely by humans. In Portugal last year the same green slime was visible. The baked brown cliffs and the clear blue sky were joined by the tinge of green on the sandstone rocks for the first time, in my memory. In Ireland and Portugal and in the UK too. That means much of the Atlantic seaboard of Europe has turned green. Those of us who live near the sea have witnessed the visual transformation of our environment over the past decade. The International Programme for the State of the Ocean (IPSO) is now telling us the oceans have reached a do or die phase. We either take action to prevent further degeneration or large parts of the acquatic ecosystem will die off.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Setting an Innovation Agenda for the Ocean: The Next Frontier for People Like Us - Haydn Shaughnessy - Re:thinking Innovation - Forbes

Author:Haydn Shaughnessy