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As boomer employees retire in large numbers, it will do more than change the average employee’s waist size, hair color, and infatuation with social media. Boomers will take with them huge troves of personal contacts, technical know-how, and organizational culture and tradition. That’s why businesses that succeed in the coming decade or so will be those that can keep these irreplaceable employees from prematurely leaving. Lisa Orrell, a San Jose, California, consultant on generational differences and author of the forthcoming Boomers Into Business, (Wyatt McKenzie, September 2011), says here’s how you can do it:

Treat them like kids. When it comes to flexibility, at least. Orrell notes that employers are finding that accommodating personalized work-styles — a common demand for members of the Millennial generation — is also encouraging Boomers to postpone retirement. “The Boomers are saying maybe they don’t want to fully retire, but they want to work from home, work part-time, or work on a flex-time basis,” she says.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Lures to Keep Boomer Employees From Retiring | BNET

Author:Mark Henricks