Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Private wealth managers McNally Capital and Black Coral Capital, which co-founded the syndicate last June, say the participating families, with a collective net worth topping $30bn, are sophisticated and experienced investors in the sector, having pumped more than $1.2bn into private cleantech businesses from seed capital to project finance.

They also posses direct experience in wind and solar development, solar technology and real estate ownership.

The syndicate is looking for investments in solar, energy efficiency, storage, project development, green chemistry, water, wind, biofuels and biomass, recycling and geothermal.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Rich families commit $1.4bn to cleantech investment fund - Finance - Renewable energy news - Recharge - wind, solar, biomass, wave/tidal/hydro and geothermal