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Who are the most influential people on Twitter and Facebook? Who has the most friends and followers across the various social media platforms? Who cares?

Advertisers and brands, that’s who—and an increasing number of businesses of all types. (Not to mention all the narcissists and self-promoters out there, but let’s forget about them while we still can.)

If Google mapped the Web to determine which pages were most important, social media analytics companies are trying to do something similar for the social graph, the map of connections between people in social networks. One emerging goal: to identify the top influencers online, and do something about them.

OK, “social media analytics” is a fancy way of saying “who’s popular and what are they talking about?” It’s like high school all over again, except now brands are trying to make money off of insights gleaned from what used to be private conversations.


To read the full, original article click on this link: SocMetrics Leads Growing Cluster of Boston Startups Trying to Cash In on Social Media Tech | Xconomy

Author:Gregory T. Huang