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There’s no doubt that if you can find a way to influence the top influencers in your industry, you are on your way to becoming an influencer yourself–in other words, finding your way into the secret club. But it’s not easy. Here are some tips for finding your way into the ranks of the top influencers in your niche.

Be Remarkable If you want to be remarkable, you have to do something remarkable. Look at all the influencers in your industry and you’ll see the same thing. These are people or businesses that have done something that makes a difference, or gets attention, or really makes a mark. You simply cannot become an influencer without doing something remarkable. Other influencers know what it took to get to their position, and they are looking for new members of the club who understand that they need to do the same thing. Unfortunately, doing something remarkable requires effort and a lot of hard work. If you can’t do that, you’re out before you were even considered. Get to work.


To read the full, original article click on this link: How to Join the Influencer Club

Author:Jim Kukral