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The need to outdo competitors and predict the next big thing that consumers will lap up has made companies go in for innovation and incubation centres. Bosses now have to coax their teams to come up with unique ideas, with a rider that they are practical and add to the company's reserves . Devina Sengupta finds that creative success cannot be measured by mass appeal and success. When it becomes part of the KRA, rest assured, the company has found the metrics to harness the best.

Ideate Frequently

At board meetings, people often feel its best to put a firm lid on any suggestions that will lead to a clash of ideas and hurt the hierarchy. Reliance Trends, however, follows the post-it system where members write as many ideas they can think of to solve a problem. The postits are then put on a board and ideas that are similar are clubbed together. Team members vote to find out which can be better and this helps the company to "get every bone to think out of the box and at the same time choose only those that are practical," says CEO Arun Sirdeshmukh.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Five ways to encourage your team to come up with ideas - The Economic Times