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LinkedIn is the social media platform of choice for many business owners and professionals. Whenever I write a post about LinkedIn, dozens of readers email me saying they get more, in terms of making and maintaining connections that provide a tangible benefit, from LinkedIn than from Facebook or Twitter combined.

Say you’ve worked hard to create a great LinkedIn profile. You’ve optimized your LinkedIn profile to make it easier for the right people to find you. And you’ve even started to leverage LinkedIn Today to drive traffic to your website. What’s next?

LinkedIn Groups. Groups are like informal communities based on industries, professions, themes, niche topics… since any LinkedIn member can create one, there are nearly a million groups. Find the right groups and you can keep up with news and trends, make connections, ask and answer questions…

To read the full, original article click on this link: 9 Steps to Find the Right LinkedIn Groups to Join | BNET

Author:Jeff Haden