Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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ChangeLooking back on 2009, it seems clear that the uncertainty of the global economy combined with the general maturation of the social entrepreneurship space made it something of a building year. I [Nathaniel Whittemore] believe that 2010 will begin to materialize some of the innovations that people spent 2009 clearing the way for, with significant long-term consequences. All in all, I'm far more excited about the coming year than I was about the last.

The most common critique I have of myself looking back at my predictions from last year is that I failed to recognize how many of them were in line for a gestation period before the really significant changes. I think that my Trend #5: Mobile Platforms and Trend #3: Blended Value Investing definitely ended up having a building period last year. White House partnership on social entrepreneurship was even more behind the scenes, and it's still unclear exactly who is going to benefit from the Social Innovation Fund.

Original Article: The Top Trends That Will Shape Social Entrepreneurship in 2010 | Social Entrepreneurship |