Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Raising capital can be a thriller. Reality beats fiction hands down.

This is the riveting account of my company’s first round of seed capital financing. The true identities of parties involved have been withheld.

I founded ParisSharing in early 2010 with a pocket’s worth of personal capital.  Its survival in 2012 would be compromised without an inflow of seed capital. The goal is not to survive, but to grow. The ambitious business plan bet on a bound from a meager first year of 20k€ in sales to 4.5 million € within five years. Ambitious business plans are the only ones that attract investors. Who wants to risk money on half-hearted hopes? The paradox of this of course is that business plans are systematically over-optimistic.

To read the full, original article click on this link: > finding our way ahead target="_blank" href="">The tight wire of seed capital financing | Le pas d'avance >> finding our way ahead