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01/29/10 - Gov. Charlie Crist announces his budget priorities for the 2010–2011 fiscal year.TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Charlie Crist Friday laid out his budget priorities for Florida’s 2010–2011 fiscal year.

Three big ‘E’s’ -- Education, Environmental protection and Economic recovery -- were among the biggest recipients for state funding under the governor’s proposed budget.

Crist said he planned to dedicate $2.1 billion to protecting the state’s natural resources, including $50 million each for Everglades restoration and the Florida Forever program.

An additional $167.6 million would go toward wastewater and drinking water initiatives, while solar tax rebates would receive $10 million.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Crist’s Budget Priorities: Education, Environment, Economic Recovery - Central Florida News 13

Author: Bay News 9