Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


When I first thought about putting together an entrepreneur manifesto a couple of years ago, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible.  Here, I will stick with the same 10 key points, but I’d like to hang a little “meat” on the manifesto, based on a couple more years of learning and reflection on what is important for success as an entrepreneur.   Here are the ten key “commitments” of the entrepreneur:

1.   I will be Persistent.  I know that nothing great is ever achieved without persistence.  I also know that the road to success is littered with those who gave up, while I continued to fight.

2.   I will set Goals.  I know that setting and monitoring progress toward goals increases my probability of success.  I also know that even if I don’t achieve every goal exactly as planned, by having goals I give myself targets toward which I can strive.

To read the original article: Entrepreneur Manifesto – Another Look - Company Founder » Company Founder