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BQF Innovation

Businessweek has collaborated with Boston Consulting Group to publish their 2010 list of the 50 most innovative companies in the world based on a survey of corporate executives.  Here is the full list.  It is an interactive table.  And here is a slide show commentary on the top 25.

There has been considerable movement in the list from previous years although Apple retains a firm grip on the top spot. China with 4 entries, India with 2 and South Korea with 3 have all increased their showing. Britain has 4 entrants – Virgin, BSkyB, Vodafone and HSBC. Germany has 3 companies in the list and France has none. Here is the list.

1 Apple 
2 Google 
3 Microsoft 
4 IBM 
5 Toyota Motor 

To read the full, original article click on this link: The World’s 50 most Innovative Companies « BQF Innovation

Author: Paul Sloane