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After reading TIME’s top blog picks, the Waggener Edstrom team created our own list of top Social Innovation blogs. The following websites are all great sources for information and opinions on a wide variety of SI topics, ranging from CSR and sustainability to global health and economic development.

We would love to hear your feedback about other good online resources and thinkers we might be missing!

  • 3BL: A social network and information aggregator focused on corporate citizenship and social innovation. Check out the particularly informative “CSR Minute” daily video while you’re there:

  • Africa Works: Former Wall Street Journal writer and author Gregg Zachary covers African affairs with a focus on what works in the sub-Saharan, and what doesn’t.

  • Autoblog Green: Sebastian Blanco leads a team of reporters covering today’s transportation industry revolution. Everything from electric vehicles to biofuels is discussed in a consumer friendly context:

To read the full, original article click on this link: Top Social Innovation Blog Picks | 3BL Media

Author: Waggener Edstrom