Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

imageNeed funding for a new Web-based company? Michael Levinson is all ears. In 2007 Levinson, now 50, with partners Steven Welch (33) and David Bookspan (52), launched DreamIt Ventures, a startup "accelerator" in Philadelphia that aims to help entrepreneurs get out of their garages. Those who make the cut receive up to $25,000 in cash; three months of office space; $75,000 worth of legal, accounting and p.r. help; weekly access to a roster of 20 seasoned entrepreneurs; and a crack at wooing professional investors. In exchange DreamIt takes a 6% equity stake in the venture. In some cases DreamIt plays matchmaker, too--pairing entrepreneurs with business strategists and software developers looking to sign on with a young firm.

To read the full, original article click on this link: DreamIt Aims To Accelerate New Business Development -

Author: Helen Coster