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Just out is this year’s edition of 35 Innovators Under 35, the annual list published by MIT Technology Review magazine, which names the world's top 35 innovators under the age of 35. Once again, the list features a significant number of scientists working in photonics-related fields. The subcategories for these awards vary from year to year, but generally focus on biomedicine, computing, communications, business, energy, materials, and the web. Nominations are sent from around the world and evaluated by a panel of expert judges.

Image: MIT Technology Review's 2018 tips for the top: (from upper left) Nabiha Saklayen, Carlos Abellan, Shinjini Kundu, Huanping Zhou, (lower left) Yin Qi, Archana Kamal, Prineha Narang, and Menno Veldhorst. -