Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

TiEcon Delhi 2009,( one of India’slargest entrepreneurship conference commenced at The Taj Palace, New Delhitoday. The conference was kicked off with a welcoming note by Dr. SaurabhSrivastava Chairman Emeritus, The Indus Entrepreneurs, (TiE), New Delhi followedby an inaugural address by Mr. P. Chidambaram, HomeMinister, Ministry of Home Affairs. Mr P. Chidambaram’s address was followed byan address by Sir Richard Stagg, KMCG, British High Commissioner. The speakersaddressed a delegation of 1000 people attending this session. TiEcon Delhi 2009is a landmarkconference which brings together an array of people from a variety of industriesand societies to debate complex issues and foster new ideas.

Original Article: TiEcon 2009, Calls For Smart Entrepreneurship In Challenging Times