Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Beyond Wellness For the Healthy Digital Health Consumer Adoption 2018 Rock Health We re powering the future of healthcare Rock Health is a seed and early stage venture fund that supports startups building the next generation of techno

Utilization of digital health services and technologies has been on the rise since we first began surveying the US adult population in 2015. Budding choices of wearables, apps, telemedicine, and other tech-enabled services make it easy for consumers to test out what it might be like to “go digital” for their health. In the first three years, our annual survey showed that tools for fitness and wellness represented a common (and low-risk) entry point for consumers to experiment with products that fit neatly into their already tech-enabled lifestyles. In the 2018 data that we examined for this report, we saw something different. Consumers continue to go digital and are now doing so not just out of curiosity or for general fitness and well-being—but with the intention to address concrete health needs.
