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now hiringAccording to reports, Google is offering its employees a 10% pay increase for 2011 and $1000 holiday bonuses company wide. Digg layoff refugees are met with open arms by enthusiastic HR vultures. Companies in existence for two months are getting acquired for their teams. engineers are getting job offers on Twitter the second news that they are on the market breaks.

Wait a minute, since when are engineers such a hot piece of property?

Well, since the Silicon Valley engineering drought of 2010. GigaOm’s Om Malik brings up the shocking statistic that job postings in the IT industry have increased 69% since October of 2009. Plentiful availability of seed funding has made it easier to start a company and engendered a culture where doing your own thing is the only badass move. Read: “If I’m going to work for someone else, it better be a pretty damn good offer.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Is The Silicon Valley Talent Shortage Getting Worse?

Author: Alexia Tsotsis