Diet and exercise
Keep the holiday bulge off by exercising, controlling cravings, and paying attention to weight and eating [J Consult Clin Psychol].
Eat right to keep weight off and live longer. You can lower risk your risk of an early death from chronic disease by making healthier food choices more frequently. Eat more frequent amounts of low-fat dairy products, poultry, fruits and vegetables, and fish; and avoid red meat, fried foods, alcohol, high-fat dairy products (ice cream, cheese, whole milk), and sugar sources — breakfast cereals and other refined grains (rice and pasta), sweets, and desserts [J Am Diet Assoc].
Don’t fry fish. Frying fish above 350°F (180° C) destroys heart-healthy omega-3s, which may partially explain why people in Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, and other “stroke belt states” have a higher risk of stroke [American Academy of Neurology], along with use of trans fat and other factors.
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Author: David Despain