Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The rise of automation and artificial intelligence is keeping many Americans up at night, worrying about their jobs, and certainly those of their children. The World Bank predicts that 57 percent of all jobs in developed countries could be automated in the next two decades. Some studies suggest that almost half of all current jobs will be made redundant while others suggest that past technological innovation created enough new jobs to make for those lost.


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Secrets of 13 of the world s most productive people

Ask Janelle Monáe how she gets everything done—the critically acclaimed albums, the world tours, the film roles, the activism—and she’ll answer with a single, slightly unexpected word. “Slack!” she says, with a cheerful laugh. “Email used to stress me out. Now I can organize every conversation, and I go into the channel when I need to—I don’t check it every hour.


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3 smart ways to stop email from taking over your life

An estimated 269 billion emails are sent each day worldwide. And some days it can feel like all of those are coming to your inbox. No one seems to like sending and receiving email, and yet most of us can’t pull ourselves away from impulsively checking it.

Still, it’s helpful to remember that email should be a tool to help you get your job done, it shouldn’t become your job itself. If you want to reclaim some of your time from your inbox, here are three approaches to dealing with the daily deluge.

Image: Illustration: Mauco Sosa

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While the willingness and ability to change is recognized and espoused by every business owner or founder I am asked to advise, far too many of you seem to be stuck in a rut, or very slow to actually decide what changes are necessary to survive and thrive. You may not be blind to the changing market and technology, but being blind to internal traps that can be just as devastating.


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Some of the best businesses are the most unique ones, ventures that fill a void and offer something that’s completely distinct and unparalleled. Around the world innovative individuals and groups are embarking on business ventures that stand out for their individuality and uniqueness.


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This is the time of year when many Americans contemplate giving back — and not coincidentally, it’s also the time of year when nonprofits and charities of all stripes send out solicitations for donations. The National Center for Charitable Statistics counts more than 1.5 million tax-exempt organizations in the United States, so finding the right fit for your giving might seem challenging.

Here are five insights from experts in charitable giving and philanthropy that will help guide you towards making a meaningful donation.


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Ritu Grover

Ask any entrepreneur and they’ll tell you starting a business is never an easy task. It requires a lot of patience, effort, determination, risk and hard work. However, ask them if they’d do this all over again and they’ll reply with a big ‘heck yes!’

Here are 5 things you must know before taking the plunge and starting your business.


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With Amazon edging towards becoming the world’s first trillion-dollar company, fresh attention is being paid to the factors that could derail its growth. The company slowed a bit this quarter, sending the stock down eleven percent.

Nevertheless, this downtick should not distract from the reality that Amazon has emerged as the new model of innovation effectiveness. They are something new in the innovation realm. They have moved so fast for so long, implemented so many new product, process and business model innovations, that their playbook is suddenly the standard by which every company must measure itself against, or get left behind.


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Tarun Arora

“Tough times never last, but tough people do”; as clichéd as this adage may sound, the phrase still has a strong relevance in the entrepreneurial eco-system. Entrepreneurship comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. From turning their vision into a business to arranging the finances, entrepreneurs often feel that the road to success is interminable and full of setbacks. Sometimes it might take years before a business starts making a profit, testing their persistence and resilience. While not everyone is cut to become one, let’s look at the lessons every entrepreneur must learn as they progress in their journey…


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times square new york city

You don’t have to empty your savings account to afford city living in America—at least not in these locations.

Urban areas offer a gateway to culture or a medley of activities, but they typically come with a high price tag. That’s why MONEY crunched the numbers to find big cities—those with a population of 300,000 or more—with the best of all worlds: attractions, iconic neighborhoods, a relatively low cost of living, and promising job growth.


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98052 Makeblock Co LTD Maker DIY Educational DigiKey

SHENZHEN, China - From Alibaba to Tencent, Chinese tech firms rarely find massive success outside of their own huge domestic market.

One start-up from Shenzen is doing business with thousands of schools around the world. Makeblock is the company teaching children to build robots and code at the same time. 

Jasen Wang, CEO & Founder of Makeblock: "This is a robot. It's like animal."

When Jasen Wang was a young boy toys were not robot, just model cars or plastic figures, and even those toys were out of reach.

Jasen Wang: "I grew up in very poor family. My parents, they were farmers."


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With the pace of change ever escalating, entrepreneurs today can’t afford to acquire talent through traditional hiring alone, and need to revise the perception that “talent” is only full-time employees. At the same time, more people in the workplace don’t want to be “employees.” According to an Intuit study, that number is quickly rising and will approach 40 percent by 2020.


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Twenty million students started college this fall, and this much is certain: The vast majority of them will be taking on debt — a lot of debt.

What's less certain is whether their degrees will pay off.

According to the survey Freelancing in America 2018, released Wednesday, freelancers put more value on skills training: 93 percent of freelancers with a four-year college degree say skills training was useful versus only 79 percent who say their college education was useful to the work they do now.

Image: Tony Talbot | AP - Students walk across campus at the University of Vermont in Burlington.

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social media

It pays big dividends to network with peers and others if you want to succeed in business. You need to get guidance before you start a new venture, connections to investors as you seek funding to scale the business, and expansion and exit insights as the business matures. Just as importantly, your business network can actually make a sometimes lonely role enjoyable.


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Chris Duckett

A new pilot visa program will attract budding foreign entrepreneurs to develop their businesses in South Australia, Premier Steven Marshall has said.

The three-year Supporting Innovation in South Australia visa is a federal government initiative set to be trialled in the state. The announcement was foreshadowed in the state's recent Budget.


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What happens when you bring together young people from across the globe—from vastly different cultures, and with vastly different backgrounds, experiences and expertise—and challenge them to solve a deeply entrenched global problem? Add to that some classic startup techniques and you might have a pretty powerful weapon against some of the biggest challenges facing society today. 


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