Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


If love is in the little things, then Jiaona “JZ” Zhang has a keen eye for the details that make users fall head over heels.

From her first PM role at Pocket Gems, where she crafted mobile gaming features that kept players logging in for more, to her time at Dropbox, where her instinct for zooming in on user problems led to the creation of some of the company’s standout UI interactions, Zhang’s built an impressive career centered on spotting just the right touch that captivates and inspires users.


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In your lifetime, you will send dozens (if not hundreds) of resumes out to different employers.

Laszlo Bock, former senior vice president of people operations at Google — and current CEO and co-founder of Humu — is familiar with the job search grind. He, too, has sent out hundreds of resumes over the course of his career. But more so than most anyone else, Bock has gained unique insight on what a standout resume looks like.


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Not all partnerships or deals work out well. Some just can’t formalize because of extraneous factors affecting the agreement, while others can be impacted by poor communication skills or a lack of flexibility on goals or approaches. This means that it is essential for leaders to stay aware of the state of a pending deal or partnership, especially if there are quiet signs that things aren’t going as well as they’d like — being forewarned about a situation can prepare the business to seek a deal elsewhere if necessary.


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Vinayak Sharma

Eyeing rewarding bets, Radhesh Kanumury, managing partner of Arka Ventures, aims to achieve milestones through investing in start-ups and other business entities. Arka Venture Labs is the first of its kind India-US cross-border accelerator fund designed to facilitate a faster global transition for Indian B2B start-ups by providing them with a combination of seed capital, mentoring, access to Silicon Valley ecosystem and infrastructure support.


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Google’s (GOOG) major startup accelerator program, Google for Startups, has campuses across the globe, helping thousands of people to kickstart their dreams.

There are 50 co-working spaces and accelerators in 125 countries and have generated thousands of jobs in the local economy.


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David Meltzer

San Francisco 49ers placekicker Robbie Gould talks about some of the challenges that come with playing his position, including an expectation of perfection, as well as how the mental preparation for football is similar to entrepreneurship.


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But a new map of America's favorite candy by state, based on analysis by, shows that we are more divided than ever., which sells candy in bulk across the US and Canada, has tracked its best-selling candy in every state for the last 12 years. According to this year's updated data, the best-selling candy in America is Skittles, followed by Reese's Cups and M&Ms. 


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The General Assembly of Maryland has enacted Senate Bill 137 (the "General Corporate Legislation"), which makes several changes to the Maryland General Corporation Law (the "MGCL") and the Maryland REIT Law (the "MRL"). The General Assembly has also enacted Senate Bill 136 to explicitly permit the use of distributed electronic networks or databases (sometimes referred to as "blockchain" technology) in corporate record keeping (the "Distributed Ledger Legislation"). Finally, the General Assembly enacted House Bill 1116 and the identical Senate Bill 911 regarding annual reporting on the composition of the boards of directors of certain Maryland corporations (the "Annual Report Legislation"). The new legislation was signed by Governor Hogan and became effective on October 1, 2019. Unless otherwise noted, all section references below are to the MGCL.


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When I ran the internal strategy consulting group at HP, we constantly asked ourselves, “how can we get our $40 billion global behemoth operating more like a startup?”  That’s because like most big companies, we struggled with risk-taking and moving fast.

Startups have different issues. Many upstarts struggle for funding. Everything is scrappy. And gaining access to customers willing to pilot an untried product from an unknown company is a huge early hurdle.


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The Climate Now programme looked at the different ways the city of Rotterdam combats Climate Change and works with the environment.

It takes a look at how the city deals with the rise of sea levels at the port to stop the area from flooding, how a simple idea of a roof garden can become a Smart Roof helping to predict rainfalls and store rainwater, and how 35 cows living on a floating farm provide locals with their daily pint of fresh milk.


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Real innovation in the business world is still rare. As I’ve said before, everyone talks about innovation, but the majority of new business plans I see still reflect linear thinking – one more social network with more features, another smartphone app for marketing, or one more platform for faster e-commerce. Historic changes and great successes don’t come from linear thinking.


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Sean Williams

There's little question that Social Security is our nation's most valuable social resource. Of the nearly 64 million beneficiaries netting a monthly payout, over a third are being lifted out of poverty, with more than 15 million of these folks being retired workers.


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Albizu Garcia

Remote teams aren't going anywhere. A study by IWG reveals that half of employees work from outside the office for half of the week. Also, a FlexJobs annual survey shows that workers across all generations want more flexible jobs. Consequently, teams now come in all shapes and sizes. They can be entirely remote, or a few employees may work in one location while all other team members work remotely across numerous countries.


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Warren Buffett Amazon Berkshire and JPMorgan health care venture to name CEO soon Puget Sound Business Journal

Warren Buffett's investing credentials speak for themselves. Between the mid-1950s and October 2019, Buffett took roughly $10,000 in seed capital and turned it into a net worth of about $80 billion, all while generating in excess of $400 billion in value for investors who've purchased Berkshire Hathaway stock. There's a very good reason Buffett is often referred to as the Oracle of Omaha.


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