![pb-europe-.png europe](http://www.innovationamerica.us/media/Editor/pb-europe-874526517.png)
In the past three years, EU-InnovatE has explored the emerging phenomenon of how user innovators, citizens and entrepreneurs can accelerate the transition towards more sustainable lifestyles and green economy in Europe. This fast-paced, immersive event will launch our findings and engage 100+ businesses, sustainable entrepreneurs, policy-makers, citizen pioneers, and educators to rethink ways to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainability in line with wider EU policy ambitions. We are pleased to invite you to join us in Brussels on 22 November for the Final Conference of this groundbreaking initiative, with three objectives in mind:
1/ To invite dynamic and critical comment and feedback on the headline insights, recommendations and implications emerging from our work;
2/ To showcase the inspirational stories and cases of citizen innovators and sustainable entrepreneurs from across Europe who are pioneering new solutions in the domains of food, energy, mobility and living; and
3/ To debate the potential implications of this emerging phenomenon for Europe's wider ambitions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.