As Congress continues negotiations over the FY15 federal budget, SSTI is hard at work trying to secure additional funding for the Regional Innovation program. The Regional Innovation Program was authorized under the American COMPETES Act and is designed to provide funding to support regional innovation activities.
The Senate has approved $20 million for the program for FY2015, while the House did not provide any funding for the program. SSTI has prepared a support letter to Congressional leaders requesting funding at the $20 million level (see below).
We are is seeking organizations to sign on to the letter, which is below. While SSTI continues to engage directly with Congressional members and staff, it is critical to show the breadth and depth of support for the Regional Innovation Program among the TBED community during these negotiations. The more organizations that sign will increase our chances to secure funding. The deadline for signatures to this letter is Thursday, July 31.
Please review the below letter, and if you are able to sign on for your organization, please reply to Caroline Wagner (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to list your organization as a signatory on the letter.