Walter Landor was a branding legend who helped companies from Coca Cola to Levi's define their brand for the public. "Put simply," he said famously, "a brand is a promise." The more important the promise and the better you fulfill it, the better your brand.
Few countries rely on their brand promise as much as the United States. Beyond its power in binding Americans together, the US brand promise has a powerful influence abroad. Ronald Reagan is famous for articulating a vision of the U.S. as "a city on a hill." That precise image was also evoked by John F. Kennedy when he was President-elect, and long before him by Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor John Winthrop. "We shall be as a city upon a hill," Winthrop wrote in 1630, "the eyes of all people are upon us." From its earliest origins, America has been conscious of the message she projects abroad.
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