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If you are a city with at least 100,000 residents, you are eligible for EDA's first of its kind
Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Challenge. The SC2 Challege is an innovative initiative that will award six cities - one from each of EDA's regions - with up to $1 million to conduct a local prize competion in which multidisciplinary teams will compete for cash prizes by developing the best economic development plan for each city.
On Tuesday, July 17 at 3 p.m. EDT, the U.S. Commerce Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) will host a conference call for prospective applicant cities to answer questions about the application process for the SC2 Challenge. Applications are due on Monday, July 23, 2012.
What is SC2?
Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) is a customized pilot initiative to strengthen local capacity and spark economic growth in local communities while ensuring taxpayer dollars are used wisely and efficiently. SC2 channels the resources of the federal government to help empower cities as they develop and implement their vision for economic growth.
The SC2 Challenge allows communities nationwide to compete for comprehensive economic planning assistance through a grant competition designed to spark local innovation. The challenge will start with the competitive selection of six cities, one in each of EDA’s regions. Each of the winning cities will receive up to $1 million to conduct their own two-phase competitions. In the first phase, winning cities will encourage multidisciplinary teams (professionals from various fields related to economic development) to submit economic development proposals for their city or region. The highest-rated proposals, as evaluated by a city-appointed review panel, will receive cash awards. In the second phase, the finalists from the first round will compete for a cash prize by developing comprehensive economic development plans that can help these cities transition and strengthen their economies and create sustainable jobs for their citizens.
Conference Call Information:
Toll Free Dial-In Number: 1-888-946-3511
Passcode: 14675
To register for the call, send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deadline & More information:
The application deadline for cities wishing to be considered is July 23.
• More information about the Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) Visioning Challenge