We’ve all seen it happen: People get trapped in the web of monotonous, boring, unhealthy lunches at work. They don’t leave enough time to prepare something healthy at home. Sometimes, they opt for a bag of chips and a can of soda right out of the break room vending machines. Other times, they splurge on something greasy or fried from the fast food place down the block. Some days, they’re just tired of the same old thing, so they skip lunch altogether. A few hours later, their energy and focus are gone. Unable to be productive, they’re left watching the clock, waiting for the end of the workday.
Now is the time to reclaim the most important hour in the day.
As a smart and successful employer, it’s your responsibility to encourage your employees to make healthier choices at lunchtime. The more employers care about the health, well-being, and productive stamina of company employees, the better off the company will be. If your company takes a vested interest in employee health by implementing a healthy food program at work, you will be rewarded with fewer sick days, fewer dollars spent on healthcare coverage, higher productivity, and more positivity within the workplace overall.